Google was found alive in 2005!

Google was found alive and thinking, trying to get into contact with people in 2005. It has happened about Oct 4 2005. Since that for sure the algorithm of Google much changed. I published it that time, but my site was down and I republish it only Apr 9 2019. Continue reading Google was found alive in 2005!

The world on the edge of a nuclear disaster

The programming language used in nuclear technologies (nuclear bombs and power plants, for example) is Ada. Ada is developed by AdaCore, a small corporation. Ada is developed to be a very reliable programming language, to be suitable to control nuclear weapons and similar things. But there is an awful quantity of bugs in the compiler (GNAT) of this language. So the world is kept from … Continue reading The world on the edge of a nuclear disaster

Dreams have double consciousness 2

In continuation of double consiousness of night dreams topic: Now I saw in a dream that we traveled to borders of the Solar System. We saw some small creatures. I the sleep I heard: This is more complex, because the image is considered as Gnome. I first thought: Why “gnome”? What if the creature is not small size? A little later in the dream I … Continue reading Dreams have double consciousness 2

Borders of science – objects more complex that ourselves?

Imagine a big construction and an engineer has moved a little detail from an one place of this construction to an other place.

What has moved? The little detail, could reply you. But what if I would say that the little detail has not moved but the rest of the construction has moved around the little detail? It could be also correct.

So the only reason why we choose to say that the detail rather than the rest of the construction has moved is size (sometimes we choose other criteria than size, such as weight, importance, price, complexity of construction, etc.)

If we would have a construction consisting of details of about equal size and the positions of details would change relatively each other, we would have not reason to prefer one of two details, which of two has moved and which has remained in its place!

Now let one of two details is yourself (or your brain, see here about variant with soul instead of brain, for these who believe in soul).

Continue reading “Borders of science – objects more complex that ourselves?”